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Handcuffs on Golden Dawn

28 September 2013 / 19:09:31  GRReporter
3657 reads

19 members of the management of Golden Dawn were arrested in a massive action of the Greek security forces on Saturday. Party leader Nikos Mihaloliakos and its spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris were caught early in the morning at their homes and according to police sources they did not oppose the authorities in any way.

Party MP Yiannis Lagos was arrested next. The three were taken to the Police Headquarters of Attica, where the other arrested people started to arrive, including George Patelis who is responsible for the local organisation of the party in the district of Nikea in Piraeus. MP Ilias Panayotaros arrived alone and after determining to the media Nikos Mihaloliakos’s arrest as "outrageous", he said that "Greek people see and understand what is happening and Golden Dawn will soar, regardless of whether it will be with the same name or with another". Afterwards he came and surrendered to the authorities.


Gradually, supporters of Golden Dawn began to gather outside the building, standing on the opposite sidewalk without interrupting the traffic. About 400 men and women were waving Greek flags and shouting slogans in support of Nikos Mihaloliakos and the other arrested.

"Listen well, Chairman, you managed to expose the system again," "Homeland, honour, Golden Dawn", "Greece belongs to the Greeks", "Motherland, nation, nationalism," they cried and interrupted chants in order to sing the anthem of Golden Dawn, and finally the national anthem of Greece.

In front of the building, that had been surrounded by a police cordon, were eight members of Golden Dawn, who were talking to each other and to lawyers of those arrested. George Germenis, better known as Kiadas, and for his attempt to aim a gun at the Mayor of Athens, said: "Look at the polls. Golden Dawn has a 15% popularity rate. They wrecked the police and the counter-intelligence service, in order to be able to arrest us."

Around 2:00 p.m., supporters of the extremist party brightened up when they saw wanted party lawyer Nikos Michos coming alone in order to surrender. (You can read his interview for GRReporter here). Despite rumours that MP Christos Pappas will also surrender, he has not appeared yet and authorities are still searching for him. In the late afternoon, the police were able to detain two of their colleagues - members of Golden Dawn, who are accused of involvement in criminal activities of the extremist party.


Gradually, anti-riot squads surrounded supporters of Golden Dawn and repelled them to the small square next to Ambelokipi underground station. An hour later, most of them were no longer there. They had gone to the court complex of Evelpidon, where arrested members of the party are expected to be taken in order to face charges.

According to the indictment prepared by the prosecutor of the Supreme Court, 32 deputies and members of Golden Dawn are accused of "formation and participation in a criminal organisation." Actions described, for which there is evidence that they were carried out by them, include: five murders, bombings, many cases of causing bodily harm, racketeering and several other criminal acts in the felony category. Nikos Mihaloliakos is defined as a leader and wanted Christos Pappas - as his deputy in the pyramid of the paramilitary criminal organisation.

At the same time, guards of parliament blocked all access to the first floor where a search is being conducted in the offices of Golden Dawn. During the search of the home of Nikos Mihaloliakos illegally owned guns and a hunting rifle were found and confiscated, as well as the amount of 43,100 euro, cartridges and technological equipment.

His wife and MP Eleni Zaroulya who did not want to make a statement for the media is also among the supporters of Golden Dawn, who are waiting for the arrested.

Tags: Crime news Golden Dawn arrests deputies Nikos Mihaloliakos Ilias Kasidiaris
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