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Kidnapped newborn returned to her mother

18 February 2010 / 18:02:20  GRReporter
4040 reads

In the embrace of her mother returned the newborn baby girl, who was abducted early today. She was found at the home of a 38-year-old woman in the neighborhood Egaleo. The woman was taken into custody. Today at noon the baby was taken from the house of the woman and returned back to the maternity home to reunite with her mother. The infant was kidnapped from the cot, which was at the bedside of the 28-year-old mother, earlier this morning

As it became clear, the woman who kidnapped the newborn was pregnant by a man with whom she was living, but made a miscarriage in the third month. In order for her lover not to leave her, she continued to pretend to be pregnant. And so, the month in which she was supposed to give birth came and the woman needed to show her lover a newborn baby. So she decided to kidnap another person’s baby and to pretend it is hers... 

The case was uncovered when the 38-year-old woman called the "Alexandra" hospital around noon and said that she has given birth to a baby girl in her house. The hospital immediately sent an ambulance accompanied by a police car. When they arrived at the apartment of the woman the obstetricians quickly discovered that she has not given birth ... 

The 38-year-old woman, who has kidnapped the baby, has serious mental problems and is mother of two children, respectively, four and ten years old. She told the police that she wanted to have a baby and so she went to get one. 

After what happened, the Secretary General of Ministry of Health Nikos Polizos stressed that the security measures in the maternity hospital will be reviewed. Currently, the security of mothers and their children is undertaken by a private insurance company. Mr. Polizos said that “we will be very strict, so this will not happen again." 

It should be noted that throughout the clinic there are only two nurses working during the night shift as a result of lack of medical staff, which is observed in many state hospitals.

Tags: Kidnapping newborn Athens Greece baby
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