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Ku Klux Klan welcomed Golden Dawn in New York

16 October 2012 / 22:10:25  GRReporter
13489 reads

"Greece’s ultra-nationalist party Golden Dawn has inaugurated a new office in New York City to reach out to the Greek Diaspora. A branch of the political party is already operational in Melbourne, Australia," reads a text that The Knights - one of the six organizations that bear the name of the Ku Klux Klan in the United States, has published on its web site.

The publication points out the results of recent polls, according to which Golden Dawn is the third political force in Greece. The Knights have uploaded on their web page an excerpt from the still inactive web site of the New York branch of the xenophobic party. "Our goals are to promote and support Golden Dawn’s nationalist ideals and vision for Greece among the Greek Diaspora. We must resist and overcome the genocidal multi-culturalist, and anti-Hellenic agenda of the New World Order."

"Who said that US institutions do not deal with the Greek parties? The Ku Klux Klan organization associated with the US state has acknowledged Golden Dawn as a fraternal organization," was the reaction of the party to the publication on the web site of The Knights.

Ku Klux Klan’s members did not write anything about the reactions of Greeks living in New York against the presence of Golden Dawn in the city. As one of them said, "Golden Dawn has no public presence here. They could not have, because New York is the city of immigrants." Sources claim that Greek immigrant organizations intend to protest against the xenophobic party in front of the United Nations building.

At the same time, the actions of deputies and ordinary members of the organization against the viewers of the controversial play "Corpus Christi" are going to cause a split in the Greek Orthodox Church. While Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus filed a claim in court shared with members of Golden Dawn against the authors of the play, a "colleague" of his sharply criticized the xenophobes.

Metropolitan Pavlos of Sisani and Siatista opposed Golden Dawn, stressing, "It is a pity that some "champions of Christianity" have teamed up with it to protect Christ." The Metropolitan wrote in his article, posted on the web page for church news, "With its actions against refugees, immigrants and even children Golden Dawn pursues, insults and ridicules Christ every day. In fact, Golden Dawn is a Black Night," he said.

The tough guys in black shirts are not low-spirited and continue to "administer justice" as they understand it. Another victim of racist violence is a Greek citizen, aged 21. A group of men attacked him with iron chains. As a result, the young man now has a damaged eye. Although there were other people at the place of the attack, no one intervened to prevent the beating.

According to the victim’s complaint, which can be found on the web site of the campaign "One victim of racist violence is too many" organized by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the young man was attacked at 9:30 pm on Friday.

He got off the trolley bus along with other passengers, but was the only one who could be considered a foreigner because of his Egyptian origin. There were 3-4 men dressed in black at the station, who had dogs with them.

When they attacked him, he began to shout that he was a Greek but they continued to hit him over the head with the chains for about five minutes.

According to the complaint, a woman that got off the trolley bus with the victim told him, "I cannot help you. Wait for the police to come," and passers-by said, "It is a pity that these things happen."

Tags: SocietyRacist violenceGolden DawnKu Klux KlanMetropolitansPlay
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