Sign Scorpio
Bill Gates was born under this sign, who is a serious name in the world of billionaires. Here the second house is dominated by Jupiter - the most generous planet. Jupiter always gives opportunities for the accumulation of material resources. How much and whether the person will take advantage of them depends on the position of this planet in the horoscope. The eighth house is dominated by Mercury. Since this planet is not too far from the sun, we often find it in the sign Scorpio itself or this is the second house. In simple language this means that cash flow from others "loves us" or it is infused directly into our pocket. We assess how large this stream is based on the position of Mercury.
Sign Sagittarius
This sign is known as the sign of the lucky people in life. But in reality it is not always so. Jupiter dominates the Sun sign and its position is important in terms of how lucky a person feels. The second house is dominated by Saturn. Saturn is in nature a restrictive planet and therefore it often limits the ability of people to keep and accumulate material resources. The eighth house is dominated by the moon. The moon is very variable and the "high and low tide" of cash flow from other people depend on its position in the individual horoscope. The phase of the Moon at birth is particularly important - the more complete, the better.
Sign Capricorn
There is some information about this sign that it is particularly fond of the material. And that makes sense. The sun sign itself is governed by Saturn. Saturn also dominates the second house. In such a situation it is normal for the person to identify himself with the material resources, which is extremely important for his self-esteem and personal self-perception. Saturn is a restrictive planet, but as it is related with Sun sign, you get the following - "I am my money, and it is me." Therefore, its own resource remains very durable and it is rarely wasted.
The eighth house is dominated by the Sun. The sun is the main source of resources, since without it life can not exist. This endows those born under the sign Capricorn with a natural defense mechanism - the Universe makes sure that there always is an open "pocket" for them from which they can take what they need. Regardless of what is popular, people born under the sign Capricorn can rarely take more than needed - Saturn limits them.
Sign Aquarius
For this sign the second house is dominated by Jupiter – the generous planet that can be expanded on a large scale. Jupiter always gives opportunities for the accumulation of material resources. How large and whether the person will take advantage of them depends on the position of this planet in the horoscope. The eighth house is dominated by Mercury. Since this planet is never too far from the sun, very often we find it in the sun sign Aquarius or in the second house. In simple language this means that cash flowing from other people "loves us" and flows directly into our pocket. How large this stream is depends on the position of Mercury.
Sign Pisces
This sign is often said to be beyond the material, that it is not interested in it. But is this really true? The second house is dominated by Mars and the eighth - by Venus. Venus has a special status in the sign Pisces – there it has a particularly prestigious position which gives a strong affinity of the sign Pisces to other people’s resources. As well as the ability to attract them. People born under this sign often find themselves in an environment which includes other people’s money. And they manage to turn the stream to themselves, not to accumulate it however, but to utilize it. The second house is dominated by Mars. Mars itself is not appropriate for the accumulation of material resources, it is weak in this regard. In the sign Pisces, it contributes to the "breaking" of the personal pocket out of which the resource flows. How big the hole is will depend on the position of this planet in the horoscope.
Expect the next article by Galy in the section Astro school on the 31st of March.