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The largest number of billionaires are born under the sign Virgo

10 March 2012 / 19:03:09  GRReporter
93685 reads

    Several years ago I read some statistics of the Forbes magazine for the zodiac signs under which billionaires were born. They had determined that the highest percentage - 12% - were born under the sign Virgo. After them come the signs Aries and Aquarius with 8%.
But the richest man in the last 15 years (with few exceptions) is Bill Gates, who was born under the sign of Scorpio. Let’s not forget also that Rockefeller has become the common noun for a rich man in the last 100 years. He was born on the other hand under the sign of Cancer. Such statistics are interesting, but still among the billionaires and millionaires there are representatives of all zodiac signs.
    As you probably understand, in this article I will focus on how the individual horoscope shows how great our material wealth would be. In astrology, there are several main sections, called houses, which are analyzed by astrologers when it comes to fortune, wealth, and its size. The most important are:
    The second house is viewed as a key one, associated with the wealth that we manage to accumulate and preserve. Here are the means we need to live our life. The eighth house is analyzed in relation to the revenues which come to us. This is the money of others. The more money of other people available to us, the better it is for our wealth. Ultimately, our wealth depends on how much money we can get from others - from our customers, partners, through contracts, from inheritance. Often people ask - "How much money can I earn?". No matter how well activated the second house in our horoscope is, we are not only interested in our own money. Rather, we’re more interested in the money which is in the pockets of the others to be more direct.
    Jupiter is the main financial planet and its condition in our horoscope is always important when it comes to wealth and cash flow. Venus on the other hand rules the second house and gives the ability to extract maximum benefit from everyone, in whose pocket there is money.
    This analysis is made primarily according to the house graph, which is calculated from the time and place of birth. But it is also applied according to the solar sign. For example, Bill Gates was born under the sign of Scorpio. And that sign is considered the first house. The second house according to the sun in his horoscope is the sign Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter. The eighth house falls in the sign Gemini, which is governed by Mercury.

    To find how to identify planets, which dominate the second or eighth house from the sun, follow the scheme below. When the Sun is in the sign Aries, the sign is counted first and after it follow:

Sun in the sign Aries - the first house is dominated by Mars
Sign Taurus - the second house; dominated by Venus
Sign Gemini - third house; dominated by Mercury
Sign Cancer - fourth house, dominated by the Moon
Sign Leo - fifth house; dominated by the Sun
Sign Virgo - sixth house; dominated by Mercury
Sign Libra - the seventh house; dominated by Venus
Sign Scorpio – eighth house; dominated by Mars
Sign Sagittarius - ninth house; dominated by Jupiter
Sign Capricorn - tenth house; dominated by Saturn
Sign Aquarius - eleventh house; dominated by Saturn
Sign Pisces - the twelfth house; dominated by Jupiter

    The planets until Saturn are considered as governors with priority. The planets Uranus, Neptune and Plutoare used only if they are directly related to these homes. Now I will give you the brief key features of the different Sun signs - what could be the size of our material wealth? Remember that this information is combined with the main houses in the individual horoscope which may have a diametrically different indication. If you have a strong interest in this topic, try contacting an astrologer.
    At first I will mention that for the sun signs Aries and Virgo, the second house is dominated by Venus. In itself, this factor refers to a serious potential for wealth, since this planet sets the preconditions for one to manage to derive maximum benefit from everyone around himself. For the sign Aquarius the second house is ruled by Jupiter, in addition to the fact that Venus also occupies a special position in it. So it's no surprise that these Sun signs are at the top of the ranking of billionaires. Surely there are other factors as it is wrong to argue that one swallow makes a summer. In other words, birth Sun in these signs can’t be 100-percent factor for serious wealth. Everyone knows that there are millions of people born under the sign of "Virgo, Aries and Aquarius" around the world, who have an average wealth.

    Sign Aries
    The planet Mars dominates the eighth house, but at the same time it also dominates the sun sign itself. In simple terms – there is a "connection" between a man and the money of others. Other people's money "loves" people with the Sun in Aries. The more distinctive the position of Mars is in the individual horoscope, the more distinctive is the cash flow from others. Mars is a planet that is able to penetrate and with its ability it manages to make its way into every "pocket". Preference is given to the amount of "other people’s pockets," not how full they are. Which ultimately could provide a stable cash flow of other people’s money. Venus dominates the second house - of possessions. As I mentioned above, in itself, this factor plays a significant role for wealth, as Venus gives the ability to find ways to maximize the benefit of all.

Tags: wealth money individual horoscope star signs Galy Astro school billionaires
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