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The latest round of talks between Greece and its creditors fails

31 March 2015 / 15:03:32  GRReporter
1956 reads

Greek government sources announced that the negotiations with the creditors in Brussels ended last night without an agreement. Earlier, three government officials had confirmed the information before Reuters, adding that the talks would possibly continue next week.

The agency also refers to a fourth source who is familiar with the course of negotiations. According to him, the interruption of discussions does not mean that there is a rupture between the two sides but it indicates the slow pace of negotiations.

Government sources in Athens stated that the negotiations that were completed last night in Brussels had taken place in a positive atmosphere and with a mutual will to come to an agreement. Both sides had shared the opinion that the procedure would have to continue in Athens, where the expert teams of representatives of the creditors would have to collect the necessary data on the state of the Greek economy.

The Greek delegation will return to Athens in the coming hours and a teleconference meeting of the Euro Working Group will take place tomorrow to discuss the course of negotiations.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Finance Dimitris Mardas had stated before SKAI TV that the Greek government aimed to reach an agreement with the creditors over the next two days.

Meanwhile, European Council President Donald Tusk said that it would be possible to reach an agreement with Greece by the end of April but not before the Catholic Easter (5 April).

Tags: PoliticsGreeceCreditorsNegotiationsBrusselsExpert teamsAgreement
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