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Lawyers are not working so that value added tax won’t be imposed to them

23 March 2010 / 11:03:46  GRReporter
2323 reads

A three days strikes which starts from today announced the lawyers as a response to the intention of the government to impose the value added tax on the legal services. At the same time the judicial employees are also refusing to work as a form of protest today between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00 o’clock.

The lawyers’ unions throughout the country will decide later whether they will continue the protest actions. According to their representatives the imposing of the value added tax on their services will only affect the pocket of the citizens, which will make their access to justice even harder. On the other side the lawyers claim that the tax measures are taken as part of communication strategy on the part of the government as practically it won’t be them who will be taxed with the VAT, but indirectly the citizens who are looking for legal advises will have to pay 21% additionally for these services.

In the days when the lawyers are on strike the judicial employees will also take part which will paralyze the work of the courts and will slow down the hearing of thousands of cases.

At the same time the protests of the hospital doctors continue, who want to be paid immediately for the nightshifts and holidays during which they have worked. Besides this a three hours strike was announced by the employees of the intercity railroads between the hours of 12:00 and 15:00 o’clock today which will lead to the suspension of the regular trains within these hours.

Following the appeal of their union the employees in the public sector will gather in a protest demonstration at 18:00 on Panepistimiou Blvd. in front of the building of the University in order to show their anger from the measures of the government. The main slogan which will lead the protest is “we will not pay for the crisis”.

Tags: NewsSociety lawyers strike unions economic measures
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