Elections in Greece have stirred huge international interest, and we have clearly felt that at GRReporter. Both of our non-Greek language versions saw a growth of visits reflecting the importance of political developments in our southern neighbour. This is what the site statistics reported by Google Analytics are showing.
In the Bulgarian version of the site, the pages viewed last week jumped by 64% while reader visits went up 63%. First visits have increased by 50%. Return visitors have seen a hike of 85%!
Our English version has also experienced a heightened interest among its international audience. Pages viewed rose by 77%, visits – by 90%, first visits by 97% and return visitors by 42%.
The quality of information provided by GRReporter is corroborated by the fact that our entries were monitored by international financial institutions, banks, universities, large companies and various types of government or non-government organisations.
We in GRReporter's team deeply appreciate the trust and attention of our readership and will continue to reflect what is happening across Greece in the same professional and dedicated way.
Thank you!