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Negotiations for the release of the kidnapped Greek teacher in Pakistan

09 October 2009 / 15:10:48  GRReporter
3097 reads

Pakistani newspaper Chitral Times announced that six Muslims from the Kalash region are negotiating with Taliban for the release of the Greek teacher Thanasios Lerounis. As GRReporter told you, Lerounis was kidnapped from his home on September 8 and since then he is in the hands of the armed Taliban group in the Afghan region Nuristan next to the border with Pakistan.

The negotiations are held by former local leader Abdul Matzid and his group. The first negotiations took place at the end of September, when they managed to meet not only with the kidnappers but also with Athanasios Larounis. Four of the negotiators stayed in Nuristan and two returned in Buburet. Initially the kidnappers wanted $2 million ransom and the release of three important Taliban leaders, who are captured by Pakistani authorities. Later on the criminals withdrew their ransom requirement.

The two members of the negotiations group who returned evaluate the ransom withdrawal fact as extremely positive. Regarding the second condition, the Pakistani authorities are silent. The two members said for the newspaper that Athanasios Lerounis is in good health, he is eating and he is being kept in good conditions. They even brought a letter, personally written by Lerounis, in which he confirms that. The negotiators are Muslim from the Pakistani region of Buburet, whose ancestors come from Guaresh region in Nuristan, where the kdinappers are keeping the Greek doctor.

The other four negotiators will return whenever there are positive news regarding Lerounis’ release. The Pakistani newspaper believes that his might even happen in the following hours.

Tags: Kidnap Pakistan Afghanistan Greek teacher kidnapped
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