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Newborn baby kidnapped from a state hospital in Athens

18 February 2010 / 12:02:08  GRReporter
4288 reads

Newborn baby disappeared at 4:30AM from a state hospital in Athens. The child was lying in a cot next to the bed of its 28-year-old mother. Witnesses saw a woman with sunglasses and black jacket walking around the corridors of the hospital. 

The Albanian mother had given birth on Wednesday. During the night at 4:30AM her child was kidnapped from the cot next to her bed. The mother says that at some point she awakened to see the child and to patted it and then had fallen asleep again. At some time she had heard a noise and opened her eyes only to see that someone was getting out of the room and found with horror found out that her child is missing from the cot. 

It should be noted that in Greek public hospitals it is normal for newborn babies to lie in cots next to their mothers. Visitors are not allowed in the hospital overnight unless the young mothers have asked to have a companion (relative or a friend) to help them when needed. 

When she realized what had happened, the mother of the infant girl began to cry for help. At that moment she had informed the staff but the hospital administration were informed of the abduction one hour later and the police - two hours after the child was kidnapped – at around 7:00AM. 

When police arrived at the hospital they immediately closed all exits and began to question witnesses and to investigate the case. The investigation is also joined by the Office for Protection of minors, whose representatives also conducted interviews to find out what happened. Police officers working are currently working on the version of abduction, but are not excluding other scenarios, so they are taking statements from relatives and hospital staff to reveal the truth. 

As reported by eyewitnesses, a woman wearing sunglasses and a black jacket was walking through the corridors of the hospital. During the morning block of TV channel ANT1 a source said he had noticed a woman with black glasses putting a newborn baby in a bag. The baby’s parents made a plea to anyone who can shed light on the case to call the police.

Tags: Kidnapping newborn Athens Greece baby
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