In order to try and restore the peace and order in the central parts of Athens, the government is discussing stricter rules for handling the demonstrations. 17 days after the murder of 16 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos the Greek capitol is left with broken stores, burnt buildings, and cars reduced to ashes. Under the initiative of the minister of internal affairs Prokopsis Pavlopoulos, the government will start a dialogue with all political parties and syndicate organizations so that a peaceful protests and demonstrations not to become a way for vandalism and fights with the police.
With a second initiative of Mr. Pavlopoulos the government will present another project, which edits the law for police service. This way it will respond to the citizens wants for more professional police service, with the people interest in mind. The corrections will regulate the system for hiring new policemen more effectively and their allocation, which is considered to be the biggest source for corruption among the police forces.
This morning Athens awoke with bothering news. Unknown people shot at a bullet proof bus of the Special Forces unit. The bus was full of policemen and was waiting at the traffic lights, close to the students town. Two bullets were found inside the bus – one in the tire and the other in the engine. The policemen claim that they heard 7 shots. Luckily there are no victims and injured. The case is taken by the Forces working against terrorism.