The students renew their protests against police violence and the educational system from today. Two demonstrations are schedules for Athens and another two in Thessaloniki. The central Athenian streets will remain closed from 10:00am until the end of the demonstrations, which could continue until night time. The public transportation will change its route today as well. The student protest is supported by the public workers syndicate, which announced a 4 hour strike from 12:00pm today. The protests in Athens will continue at noon tomorrow as well with a big antimilitary rally.
The police are ready for action and can respond to the new riots. All police leaves of absence are canceled until second notice. The situation is very delicate after the attack against the police patrol few days ago in the Athens Ekzarhia neighborhood. Then, a 21 year old policeman was severely injured. The boy is still in a very bad condition and last night an emergency surgery was done after a sudden internal bleeding.
From fear of new crashes between anarchists and policemen, the students and teachers got the initiative and from today mixed squads will protect the university buildings. According to Greek law, the police do not have the right to enter universities, which is why often they become shelters for anarchists, who use this in order to attack the police forces.