Easter is the biggest Orthodox holiday for Greeks and 83.2% of them believe that its celebration is extremely important for sustaining the Greek national identity. This information is based on a public opinion poll done by Kapa Research, in which 2089 people were questioned. Only one third of them – 29.7% admit that they do to mass during the Holy week. 36.6% admit that they go to church only on Saturday night and they do it, so they can hear “Christ is Risen,” and 31% stay for the whole mass. 7% admit that they do not attend church at all.
A bit different is the case when it comes to the Easter fasting, which is longest and strictest one. Only 17.6% of the Greek believers fast throughout the whole period from Orthodox Halloween until Easter. 49.9% fast only throughout the Holy Week and 8.3% fast only on Good Friday. 22.7% admit that they do not fast at all.
Of course, the crisis also find place in Kapa’s research. In comparison to last year, 56.7% of Greeks will spend less money this year for the holiday feast, for entertainment and presents. 37.9% say that they will spend pretty much the same money and 5.2% say they will even be more generous. 54.6% answer that they will stay home for the holiday and 35.6% will leave for their home villages and cities. Only 9.2% will travel for the holiday.