Every day over 700 000 Muslims visit the illegal mosques in Athens, where under wretched conditions, as seen on the photo, religious rituals are executed. The bill for building a legal Muslim mosque is sinking under dust on the many desks of the different ministries, which were supposed to approve and discuss it in the parliament. The Muslim communities claim that the ?15 million, which were meant for the construction of the mosque, have disappeared. Similar is the situation with the Muslin graveyard in Athens, which continues not to exist and today’s Mohamed followers are forced to travel to Komotini in Northern Greece in order to bury their relatives.
On December 5th 2006, the Greek state newspaper published a law for the construction of a Muslim masque in Eleona neighborhood with state investments. Before this project, there was an idea to build a mosque with private investments in Peania suburb but the Muslims themselves did not approve it. They were suspecting that the money would be paid by fundamental organizations in Saudi Arabia and this is the reason why they reached a consensus that the construction of the mosque should be done with money from the state budget. In order to help out, the Muslim community gathered another ?15 million, which is the missing amount today.
What is the problem with the project? The Ministry of Educations & Religions is responsible for the construction of the mosque but the construction needs to be done on a property owned by the Ministry of Defense. Based on the project, in order to build the mosque there need to be 36 decares available but the Defense Ministry does not want to give more then 16, because nearby there is a navy base. It has technical but not operative functions and it could move somewhere else, which will cost ?5 million. “We were ready to gather the amount and pay for this moving but they did not allow us,” said for Antena TV the president of the Muslim Association in Greece Naim Elgadour.
Due to the lack of an official mosque in Athens there are 130 illegal masques, in which masses are reserved for months ahead. There, many burial rituals are handled and children learn the Koran. Because the mosques work at night too, some of them are perfectly suitable for the fundamentalists, as the Greek Anti-terrorist services warned.
Similar is the situation with the Muslim graveyard and in 2005 the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church decided to provide 30 decares of land in Shisto. Four years later, the ministries of internal and foreign affairs, which are responsible for the construction, claim that they are looking for a new property.