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I sold my child!

19 June 2009 / 14:06:35  GRReporter
4762 reads

-       This happened in September. My pregnancy was obvious. One night, the two Bulgarian gypsies came. Atanasi did not tell me anything. They told me to pack my stuff and leave with them. We drove all night without stopping. In the morning, we were in Athens. They left me in an apartment in the center, where there was also another woman.

Did you want to sell your child?

-       I wanted to sell it. I couldn’t go back to my village with it.

What happened after that?

-       A Greek man came, about 30 years old. His name was Niko. He told me that he had found a very rich family, which wants to buy the child. They have a big house. They also have ships and my child will have a good life there.

Did you see the people who bought your child?

-       No. when I was in the apartment in Athens I went out twice. Niko was taking me to doctors. After that he took me somewhere to sign a paper. I haven’t seen anybody else. Even in the hospital, no one came. When I left the hospital we went to that man again to sign more papers. Then, Niko gave me one thousand Euros and sent me to the bus station. He told me that the rest of the money I will receive in ten days.

How did you give away the baby?

-       On the third day after I gave birth, Niko came to the hospital and took me with the baby. When we left the hospital, he was carrying it. This is when I last saw it. He told me to wait and left me at the hospital coffee shop. He came back half an hour later without the baby.

What did you feel when you found out that you will never see it again?

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