On a positive note it is great that bands can do more than ever in terms of self-promotion and it leads to a situation where the fans can do all the talking. Artic Monkeys are a great example of the DIY approach.
Do you think that downloading from the internet has to be legalized? There is a Pirate party from Sweden which already has a representative in the European Parliament?
E.J.: Well we can’t afford to give our music away for free. There should be greater value put on music, but people don’t see it. Perhaps some day, music will be like water - You pay an annual license fee to use it, as much or as little as you like.
N.N.: As a musician I don’t support illegal downloading. Musicians make music and deserve to be paid for what they create.
S.H.: There certainly needs to be some regulation, fans have realized they’re paying way too much for the albums and most of the money isn’t going to the artist. I think people are generally honest and want to pay and support artists through purchasing their music. I also think that the idea of every download as a ‘lost sale’ is nonsense so the figures about the industry losing billions is exaggerated.
What is your definition for creativity, what helps you compose and write lyrics? What do you want to write about?
E.J.: The lyrics come from things I need to say. Whether they be to the world or a girlfriend or just to myself. It’s self-expression isn’t it? Humans need to communicate. Lyric writing provides a channel for that but it’s poetry and art, so it also pleases your soul.