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In November we risk in order to win

27 October 2012 / 19:10:40  GRReporter
7781 reads

This is a time when you are still in the process of termination and release of various things. You are turning to new ones which are unfamiliar. You will realize that you're not just on the verge of major changes in your life, but that these changes are needed. You will find yourself in a situation in which you cannot stay. To avoid the depressive feeling you may embark on different adventures, entertainment and fun. The crisis continues and the only thing you have to overcome is the fear of the unknown, so you can make a step in the desired direction. You do not want to repeat anything from the past and therefore through this crisis you are looking for new ways and new places.

Tags: Astro school Galy prognosis for November solar eclipse lunar eclipse retrograde Mercury individual horoscope planets zodiac signs
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