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In November we risk in order to win

27 October 2012 / 19:10:40  GRReporter
7853 reads


This article will inform you about the astrological picture for the period from 1 to 30 November and which people it will affect. While moving in the celestial sphere, planets activate different parts of the astrological sign and that is why the astrological climate they set affects everyone in a different way, as it is in direct relation to his or her individual horoscope.

In the previous article I informed you that on 5 October, Saturn makes its transition from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio, where it will stay for the next two and a half years. In the first months, Saturn will be positioned in an area, symbolizing that it is the time to plant new seeds and to remove the useless weeds. Only what the world needs survives. Progress in all directions remains the core of October too - risky steps, surprising decisions and reorganization. Everything initiated during this period will have great power, strength and sustainability over time.

Jupiter’s retrograde phase began at that time too - 6 October, and it will last about 120 days. Retrograde phases are always a symbol of a return, we make revaluations, we see things in a more sober and realistic way. This period especially is the time when everyone, in one way or another, will have a clearer view of where he or she is going, what water he or she is wading in and what he or she has been involved in.

I expected the days between 5 and 15 October to be very dynamic. Everything seems to be eagerly rising from all sides, requiring immediate decisions and actions. For public institutions, this could have been a very tense time, but also very effective – full of almost revolutionary decisions, which would have long-term influence and very long-lasting consequences. I also expected the manifestation of two extremes after 15 October - an intense fear and a refusal to take a risk, on the one hand, and reckless courage to bet on presumably losing cards, on the other.

What is the situation in November? November astrologically seems pretty interesting with the astrological combinations of planets. First, this is a month with two eclipses - lunar and solar. Such months always attract the attention with some very interesting events worldwide. People who are personally affected by these eclipses experience major life events.

The solar eclipse is on 13 November, and the lunar - on 28 November.

The solar eclipse will take place in the sign Scorpio and its symbol is associated with a process of transformation in a very revolutionary way. The overall picture formed during this eclipse shows that a head of state somewhere in the world may be affected. It is also interesting that the U.S. elections are held only a week earlier amid a solar eclipse. This suggests that these particular presidential elections, and the next president, will probably remain in history for something special.

The lunar eclipse is on 28 November. It is a climactic phase of events which began in June 2011. Then we had a serious deepening of the global economic crisis and the lunar eclipse now in November seems to be a peak. A peak of the bottom, if I may say so. This is a time for final decisions, for a turnover in some sense. I guess that some decisions will be taken globally, which will put a kind of an end to this crisis. The motto will be "Now or never, so that we won't be troubled any more by the fear that we will repeat the past." The ghost of last century's Great Depression is still haunting the minds of analysts today and it is time for the world to deal with it.

Mercury's third and final retrograde phase is from 6 to 26 November. Mercury is the planet of communication, information, mental connections, skilful hands, details, movement in all its forms. All this falls under some kind of a challenge and may confuse and disturb the normal rhythm in everyday life. Retrograde Mercury makes us doubt whether we say what we should. It also provokes frequent changes in the direction of our thoughts and decisions. We may also make a mistake in something important which could slow us down.

Often by accident, retrograde Mercury brings some information to the surface. This will be particularly important for the people who were born between 25 to 27 November.

The parallel manifestation of two "forces" is expected throughout November. On the one hand this is the desire for progress, the desire not to let the occasion slip by, to get everything life offers. On the other, this is the gripping fear of taking risks. The desire to fight and to prove that nothing is impossible will prevail. I expect very strong reactions even for minor things. The courage to take risks comes somehow spontaneously. But the thought "Does fighting make any sense?" also comes spontaneously. Such a combination can make you either risk or give up everything.

I will now point out the areas in the zodiac affected by the planetary movements in November. And I will also indicate the dates when the Sun will be nearly in these areas and therefore, will have an influence on the people born on these dates regardless of the year. For the other planets, you need to check your personal horoscope. Look at the table, find the relevant planet and connect the keywords for it with what I have written.

Period 1 - 30 November for people with a planet in the area:

13° - 19° Taurus (people born between 3 and 8 May),

Tags: Astro school Galy prognosis for November solar eclipse lunar eclipse retrograde Mercury individual horoscope planets zodiac signs
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