The second act of the drama of Akis Tsohadzopoulos took place yesterday in the offices of PASOK on 50 Harilaos Tricoupis Str., when the former high official of the party and close associate of Andres Papandreou faced the Transparency Commission to provide explanations for his property. After the publications connected with the property status of Mr. Tsohadzopoulos, PASOK is expected to officially request his disaffiliation with the party tomorrow. The former minister in several governments of PASOK said that mechanisms are activated for his “political, moral and physical abolition.”
Mr. Tsohadzopoulos was summoned before the Transparency Commission to explain the publications in the press in the last few days, based on data collected by the Commission for Special Revisions. Mr. Tsohadzopoulos presented to the Commission a lot of folders of documents relating to his tax returns and property status. Although his meeting with the members of the Transparency Commission lasted two hours, they finally stressed that it is impossible all the content of these folders to be revised and advised him to withdraw from the party at least until they shed full light on the case. Several hours later Mr. Tsohadzopoulos applied for withdrawal from PASOK, but made a statement that he intends to bring the matter to court to defend himself.
The facts show that Akis Tsohadzopoulos has had a close relations with the offshore company Τorcaso for nearly a decade. The company is embroiled in the scandal with the property of the Vatopedi monastery, but also in the purchase of the house of the former minister. The estate is located in the center of Athens on 33 Dinoisiu Areopagitu Str. and is in the name of his wife. According to the findings of the Vima newspaper Akis Tsohadzopoulos’s cousin bought the house on the second floor of the building on 3 Komna Traka Str. in 1999 and in 2004 it became the property of the former minister. But in 2000 the company name Τorcaso again appeared next to Mr. Tsohadzopoulos’s name. The offshore company then bought a two-storey building right next to the house of Akis Tsohadzopoulos on the same street. Seven years later that same building became a property of Vatopedi monastery. According to the initial version Akis Tsohadzopoulos’s associates acted as go-betweens for the purchase of the building, which later was added several floors.