The country is at a deadlock and it is sending a signal of instability abroad, Venizelos insisted. In a public address at the end of the second day after the elections, he repeated his proposal - only a government of national consensus with the participation of New Democracy, PASOK, the Democratic Left and SYRIZA could inspire confidence in the ability of Greece to recover. "The election results show that people want two things: for Greece to undoubtedly remain in the euro area and to achieve the best recovery programme at the same time in order to help the Greek citizens, to stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment. "
Venizelos stressed that political parties should keep their forces for negotiations outside Greece. There, the country must protect its economic policy, whatever it is, after the new government takes power. The leader of the Greek Socialist Party did not specify whether it would cooperate with SYRIZA, but hinted that the party is not ready to abandon its commitments to Brussels and Washington under the Memorandum of financial assistance. Evangelos Venizelos said, "Let Mr. Tsipras wait for our meeting. It will be very important. We have only one condition - not to let Greece exit the euro area and the European Union. Things must improve for the Greeks, they must not get worse."
While Tsipras is drawing up a plan on how to attract PASOK or whether to ask for its support, Social Alliance’s leader Louka Katseli said it would support the government of the left SYRIZA. Her party remained out of parliament because it did not manage to cross the 3% barrier, but the radical left needs the widest possible support.
The Greek Communist Party (KKE), in turn, has not proved as responsive as Katseli, who was disaffiliated with PASOK. They refused to cooperate with Tsipras at any level. The general secretary of the Greek communists Aleka Papariga did not even meet with Alexis Tsipras and refused to cooperate in a short telephone conversation. Even in its election platform, KKE supported Greece’s exit from the European Union and the single currency, which contradicts the temporary pro-European line of SYRIZA.
At the same time, it became clear that Alexis Tsipras is planning to send a letter to the management of the European Central Bank, the European Union and the European Commission, informing them that Greece rejects its obligations under the bailout agreement. He will "ask" Mario Draghi, Jose Emmanuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy to draw an alternative plan for Greece to emerge from the crisis, which will be based on measures of economic growth. In his letter to European Union leaders, Tsipras will try to cancel the obligations of Greece to its creditors. According to him, the commitments taken by the previous government are invalid because PASOK and New Democracy are supported by only one third of the Greek people.
Greece’s mixed signals were not late in causing responses from abroad. The first of them was the comment of representatives of the Fitch credit rating agency that Europe will not disintegrate due to the exit of Greece from the union of the single currency. Germany’s Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble is also following the developments of the political drama in Greece with interest and he warned that there is no room for renegotiation. Perhaps, only additional measures to stimulate economic growth could be suggested. European Commission President Jose Emmanuel Barroso himself was clear – the country should follow the established recovery programme - or it would be exposed to uncontrolled bankruptcy.