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Pharmacist killed in broad daylight for less than 300 euro

14 June 2012 / 17:06:26  GRReporter
2925 reads

A murder for robbery shook Athens this week after unknown persons attacked a pharmacist in broad daylight. The attackers shot the local pharmacist in the area of Renti at about 3 pm while the victim was walking to his car after the morning shift. The name of the man is Spyros Pokamisas, aged 52. He is the father of two girls and is known as the local pharmacist near Saint Ioannis in Renti. "Spyros was not just a pharmacist. He was our physician, a friend of ours. He took care of people," said the people from the neighbourhood. He was shot five times in the head. The perpetrators stole his purse, in which he held the daily turnover that did not exceed the amount of 300 euro. The last words of the victim, according to witnesses, were "Are you robbing me again?" People close to the victim said that the pharmacist had been robbed for the first time about a month and a half ago. He was attacked outside his home and he was wounded with a knife in the arm. "They were after Spyros," friends of the victim insisted, cited by Ethnos.
"I heard shouts and two shots afterwards. When I went to the window, I saw Spyros lying on the street and another person was shooting at him with a gun, almost point-blank in the head," said Stelios Makris, who is from the neighbourhood and knows the victim personally. "Another colleague of mine saw one of the attackers getting into a yellow car that was waiting for him to escape," the witness added. The accident shocked the community in Renti. "Spyros was a good and kind man with a sensitive soul. Classical music was quietly heard in his pharmacy and no one left it without having received some useful advice from him," his colleague Nicholas Rumeliotis said, who is a board member of the pharmacy union of Piraeus. "The pharmaceutical community mourns today an excellent specialist and father," the president of the National Pharmaceutical Association Thodoris Abatzoglou said.
By a strange irony of fate, the murder of pharmacist Spyros Pokamisas happened at the same place, where two young boys of the DIAS motorcycle police had been shot two years ago. George Skiloyanis, aged 22 and Ioannis Evangelinelis, aged 23 lost their lives then after a shooting by a criminal group that had carried out two robberies earlier that evening. This is the 27th murder for robbery in the past six months, Mega reported. Increased crime in Greece in the last two years has allowed extreme formations like Golden Dawn to gather strength. In the evening on the day of the murder, friends and customers of the victim had gathered to commemorate him at the scene. According to witnesses, members of the neo-Nazi organization tried to join the vigil and use the unfortunate incident for their campaign in the region. The attendees, however, did not allow the propaganda.

Tags: Crime newsMurderPharmacistRenti
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