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Politicians declare their assets

12 December 2012 / 21:12:42  GRReporter
6158 reads

"There is money." The proverbial expression of George Papandreou, who according to many commentators, gave the election victory in October 2009, seems to be particularly true for the former and current members of the Greek parliament as shown by the deputes’ tax returns, which were published on the website of the parliament.

Their average family income in 2010, when the real crisis in Greece started, totalled 121,532 euro and there were 13 properties per deputy on average.

A quick review of the list shows that in addition to the higher annual income, the majority of deputies, members of European Parliament and government members owned a significant number of properties as well. According to their tax returns, they either had bought these properties some years ago or inherited them from their relatives. The revenue from them was only an addition to the high monthly income of the politicians. The properties vary from warehouses and agricultural lands to forest areas, offices and flats. Villas and yachts appear in the tax returns of a considerable number of deputies too.

"The rentiers"

The former member of parliament and deputy minister in the PASOK’s government before the last, Anna Dalaras, declared 59 properties. The majority of them are residential buildings on the Cycladic islands and forests in the area of Magnisia. Among her properties are 7 parking lots, 4 residential plots, 8 agricultural areas, 4 forest areas, 4 flats and 27 houses. They declared together with her husband, the singer Giorgos Dalaras, 7 houses on the island of Syros, a field in Antiparos, a house in Paros, 3 houses in Arcadia in the region of Peloponnese and 4 flats in Attica.

Similar was the property status of the governor of Thessaly, Kostas Agorastos, who declared 37 properties and the New Democracy deputy Panagiotis Adraktas - 38 properties. The former "blue" deputy and former close associate of Kostas Karamanlis, Yiannis Adrianos, is among the first on the list of owners of many properties since he owned 38 properties, 30 of which in the region of Nea Epidavros. The annual family income declared by him amounted to 163,823 euro.

The former Deputy Prime Minister, Theodoros Pangalos, declared 53 properties, 15 of which in the names of his wife and three children. The largest property has an area of ​​100 acres and is located in Istiea on the island of Evia.

The deputy with a significant "marriage portion" is Miltiadis Varvitsiotis from New Democracy. Recently, his parents have transferred 56 offices to him and the total number of his properties is 68.

The number of deputies with properties in Brussels is large too. One of them is the deputy from LAOS, Kostas Aivaliotis, who declared a total of 19 properties. Alexandros Gerontopoulos from New Democracy declared 3 flats in the Belgian capital, Anna Diamantopoulou - 2 and the former leader of SYRIZA, Alekos Alavanos - one flat.

The former deputy and minister from New Democracy, George Voulgarakis, declared 43 properties and a monthly income of 155,923 as well as 3 motorcycles, 3 cars and 2 boats with a length of 13.8 metres.

The "blue" deputy Elena Rapti declared 35 properties. Panagiotis Lafazanis from the left-wing SYRIZA declared 5 properties, Liana Kanelli from the Communist Party declared 2 properties and 123,587-euro annual income, while Athanasios Pafilis from the same party declared 13 properties, but he was the sole owner of just two of them.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis declared 19 properties in his tax return whereas the Shipping Minister Konstantinos Mousouroulis declared 14 properties and loans for repairs of houses worth 420 thousand euro.

The "captains" of yachts and boats

In addition to property owners, not few are the deputies -"captains" of smaller or larger yachts and even boats. The Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos declared an inflatable boat and representatives of almost all political parties declared a four-person boat: the former members of New Democracy Panagiotis Adraktas, George Kalantzis and Krinio Kanelopoulou, the former deputies of PASOK Evangelos Argyris and Joseph Valirakis, the deputy of the Democratic Left Odysseas Voudouris and the "red" deputy Liana Kanelli.

Nassos Alevras from PASOK, who failed to enter this parliament, declared a yacht with a length of 7.8 m. The "blue" George Alogoskoufis and Miltiadis Varvitsiotis declared such vessels too. Christos Kalapotarakos from LAOS, Evangelia Kouroupaki from PASOK and the Minister of Citizen Protection, Nikos Dendias owned yachts as well.

Greek politicians had two cars on average. Some of them, however, exceeded this figure dramatically. The former minister from New Democracy, Petros Doukas, declared 9 cars, Evangelos Damianakis from PASOK - 6 and Athanasios Giannopoulos from New Democracy, Angela Gerekou from PASOK and George Georgiou from LAOS - 4 cars.

The poorest ones and the surprises in the tax returns

One of the poorest deputies in 2010 was Iro Dioti from SYRIZA, whose only income was her parliamentary allowance. Her banking assets amounted to 1,548 euro and she had neither property, nor a car in her name. Furthermore, she declared that she gave part of her salary in favour of the party.

The property status of her colleague from New Democracy, Dionysia Avgerinopouolu, is similar – she declared that she had only 6,799 euro in her bank account.

Unlike the two young deputies, the New Democracy’s former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yiannis Valinakis, declared assets amounting to 89,890 pounds.

The Deputy Minister of Administrative Reform, Manousos Voloudakis, declared 3 pastures with a total area of ​​738 acres in Sfakiya on the islands of Crete and Gavdos.

Tags: PoliticsPoliticiansTax returnsParliamentDeputies
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