Shortly before Antonis Samaras’ most critical European tour for Greece, GRReporter asked its readers whether they believed that his office would be able to save the country from the catastrophe.
The results are quite different in each of the language versions and only the Bulgarian readers have faith in the forces of the tripartite coalition. 33% of them believe that the government would still be able to master a difficult situation, having already managed to implement the first privatization - to sell Agricultural Bank. At the same time, those convinced that Greece could not be saved if the public sector remained undisturbed and keeping all the jobs in it is a major concern of the leaders of the coalition are only 10% less. 26% of readers expect new social protest that would bring new austerity measures and only 8% expressed hope that the eye surgery of Antonis Samaras has made him more far-seeing and therefore, more able to solve the serious financial problems of Greece.
However, a large number of the Greek readers supported that answer. Whether in jest or from frustration, 32% of them put their trust in the experienced hands of eye surgeons. The second straight answer, supported by 25% of readers, is that the undisturbed public sector would continue to drag Greece to the bottom. According to 21%, Athens would again become the hottest spot in terms of social unrest. 11% of readers expressed hope that the government would pull the country out of the quicksand, in which it is sinking. As many believe that, the government would not be able to do anything because the days of its existence are numbered.
The majority of readers of the English version of GRReporter do not hope that the situation in Greece could take the right path. 37% believe that until the public sector is treated as a sacred cow, no office would be able to change the things. 19% expect a wave of social unrest to sweep Greece soon. The same is the percentage of jokers who believe that the improved seeing of Prime Minister Samaras could lead to positive development. However, the percentage of those, who believe in the success of the government, is 17%. Only 8% believe that the government would collapse in the autumn, as some commentators foresee.
Thank you for your participation. Now, just before the end of summer, we invite you to tell us What is your favourite Greek resort?