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A rebellion against the reforms of the Government!

10 February 2010 / 16:02:51  GRReporter
2842 reads

The traffic in the center of Athens is gradually coming back to its normal rhythm after the end of the demonstrations of the public sector employees. Today they have a 24 hours strike and they protest against the policy of the government for pension security system, the allowances and the way incomes are calculated.

Thousands of people striking went out on the streets to raise their voice against the reforms which the team of George Papandreou is planning to impose. The protest passed by without any problems with the police. The tension rose close to the St. Konstantin boulevard when a driver of garbage truck tried to break the chain of policemen which caused a short conflict between the striking people and the police.

In the protest of the syndicate (ADEDI) took part employees of the public sector, taxation services and pension security bureaus as well as teachers from all levels of the educational structure. According to Spiros Papaspiros chairman of ADEDI today in the strike took part over 85% of the employees in the public institutions from the whole country.

“We go on united – employees from the privet and public sector with our actions against the measures of the government which are trying to go over all of our rights like a train” announced Papaspirou having in mind that ADEDI will not stop its riot against the measures and will continue its energetic participation by taking part in the 24 hours strike announced by the union of the private employees GSEE which will close down the country on February 24th.

Today the members of ADEDI gathered at 10:30 on the Klavtmonos square and later they headed for the Syntagma square. Another strike started at 10:00 in the morning on Syntagma square which was organized by the syndicate of the members of the communist party PAME, where employees in the private sector took part. Their strike continued in front of the Greek Parliament and ended in front of the Ministry of employment. At the demonstration was present the leader of the Communist party in Greece Aleka Papariga.

“If the working people don’t manage to overcome and stop these measures of the government it would mean that next year even more awful things will be waiting for us. Don’t care about what they tell you. They only care about protecting the interests of the ship owners and the large businessmen. Do not believe them! Turn your backs to them!” warns Aleka Papariga.

Part of the financial requests which are set by the striking private sector employees, members of PAME are: the minimum wage to become 1500 euro, the minimum pension to become 1120 euro and the lowest day wage to rise up to 56 euro. The rain and the cold weather did not stop the people in Thessaloniki as well to go on the streets.

Tags: NewsPolitics strikes
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