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Samaras’s vision about Greece

08 September 2013 / 13:09:25  GRReporter
1994 reads

On Saturday, Antonis Samaras sent an optimistic message from Thessaloniki. During his speech at the opening of the 78th International exhibition, he said that 2013 has been a particularly difficult year, but 2014 will be a year of recovery. "Greece is turning the page. Its economy, after six years of decline, is now turning the page," emphasised the Prime Minister, stating that this new page does not include new measures.

No new measures

Samaras was adamant and turned to lenders, emphasising that new measures cannot exist. According to the Prime Minister, society cannot accept them and such a development would not be justified, since, according to him, the Greek government meets its commitments and in turn creditors must comply with arrangements. "We're moving better than planned. There is no need for new measures outside those already agreed. Greece's economy will not be able to bear them," said Samaras.

Reasonable payments in 2014

The Prime Minister stressed that they will pay much more reasonable amounts next year and added that the better revenues move and goals are achieved, the more the tax burden will be reduced. He added that the ultimate goal is the relief of the middle class.

Surplus is the strategic goal

Samaras paid particular attention to the achievement of a surplus, i.e. the country should meet current needs of the budget, besides interest and debt, on its own and without asking for additional credits. "Greece will stop asking for new loans in order to meet its needs for the first time in many years. A surplus means that the country will get back onto its feet ... and that after the end of the year we will achieve a debt relief as our creditors promised." According to Samaras, a surplus would mean that Greece would not only achieve its goals, but even exceed them.

Elimination of injustices

In his speech, Samaras emphasised that a surplus would mean that 70% of it will go to the alleviation of injustices that society has suffered. This will happen at the beginning of 2014. Preference will be given to people with low pensions. He said that everything depends on the size of the surplus.

The debt problem

Regarding debt, the Prime Minister said that Greece has agreed to achieve a surplus and lenders have committed to give it alleviation. The debt discussion that is developing among creditors, concerns the problem of how to do more in order to help the country as far as the country continues with structural reforms. According to Samaras, this is a discussion that needs to be completed as quickly as possible.

The vision for 2021

Once again, the Prime Minister talked about 2021, when the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution will be celebrated. "This new Greece, which we are building, will be like the one those who started the struggle for independence 200 years ago had dreamed of... 5-6 years of difficult attempts cannot erase 3,000 years of glorious history," said Samaras. He added that the release from over-lending is the modern liberation of Greece.

The national effort

Samaras talked about those who support him and thanked PASOK and Democratic Left, with which he has been ruling the country jointly for a year. According to him, the success will be for all Greeks, even for those who are an obstacle.

In defence of Karamanlis

Samaras focused on former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis, who is in the sights because of his management. Although he did not mention him by name, he said that every time that during the exhibition a Prime Minister has dared to tell the truth that there is no other means of "redistribution" populists have always revolted against him. And he almost always had to pay a high political price.

An attack on SYRIZA and Golden Dawn

Once again, the Prime Minister spoke about the two extremes, SYRIZA and Golden Dawn, which are continuing to talk about a catastrophe, at a time when the sacrifices of Greek people are starting to be paid for. According to Samaras, they vote against all reforms and live in the past, divide Greek people and do everything possible in order to isolate the country. According to him, the only thing that interests them is to fight against each other on the ruins of the country.

Actions of trade unions

Unions organised a mass march despite the call of Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis for a ceasefire on the day of the opening of the exhibition. He said that there are 364 other days of the year for that.

Alexis Tsipras, together with SYRIZA MPs, took part in the demonstration of the trade unions against the memorandum at Venizelos’s monument. He will return to Thessaloniki at the end of next week. On Sunday PASOK's leader will visit the exhibition and speak to producers. From Tuesday to Friday, the President of the Independent Greeks party Panos Kamenos will be in Thessaloniki; Democratic Left leader Fotis Kouvelis will visit the city on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Friday and Saturday, the general secretary of the Communist Party Dimitris Koutsoubas will also arrive. The three political leaders will have a series of meetings and conferences.

Tags: International Exhibition in Thessaloniki Antonis Samaras speech vision political leaders
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