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The second in the hierarchy of Golden Dawn also surrendered to the police

29 September 2013 / 17:09:37  GRReporter
2963 reads

Golden Dawn MP Christos Pappas, for whose arrest an order was issued by the Prosecutor’s Office on Saturday, appeared alone in the General Directorate of the Greek Police.

Long live Golden Dawn!" said the second in the hierarchy of the party, adding: "I've come here on my own, I have nothing to hide, the truth will prevail, and nationalism will win."

The MP, who arrived by taxi at the General Directorate of the Police, said that this was a political persecution and told reporters: "I am totally free."

Detained Pappas is located on the 12th floor of the police in the premises of the anti-terrorism service, where he will give evidence and will have his fingerprints taken, after which he will be taken to the court complex of Evelpidon."

Detained MPs and members of Golden Dawn will be heard on Tuesday and Wednesday

Leader of Golden Dawn Nikolaos Mihaloliakos and four other members (Ilias Kasidiaris, Yiannis Lagos, Ilias Panayotaros and Nikos Michos) are also located in the building of the General Directorate of the Police, in the custody of the department of the anti-terrorism service.

Late in the evening they asked for, and received, a date when they will be heard by investigators, and this will happen on Tuesday, 1 October. Hearings of the remaining 15 detainees, who are in the custody of the Security Department, will start on Tuesday and will continue until Wednesday.

We should point out that they were charged with organising and participating in a criminal group, as well as illegal possession of weapons.

In the morning, relatives of the detainees and members of Golden Dawn Efstathios Boukouras and Michalis Arvanitis arrived at the General Directorate of the Police

11 members have not yet been detained

11 arrest warrants have not yet been executed. With the arrest of Pappas, the number of detainees in the Golden Dawn case reached 21.

The arrested

In total, three women have been detained so far – a sergeant from the "Security" department in Piraeus, Yiannis Lagos’s girlfriend and the wife of the head of the local branch of Golden Dawn in Nicaea.

According to sources, there are seven people among those detained who were in Keratsini during the incident, which ended with the murder of Pavlos Fyssas. Two of them seem to have been in the car of George Roupakyas, the killer of the 34-year-old rapper.

Furthermore, it is considered almost certain that all case records will be forwarded to a special appeal investigator, bearing in mind the severity of the case.

Let us recall that, according to the indictment drawn up by deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court Haralambos Vourliotis, Nikolaos Mihaloliakos is the leader of "a criminal organisation that has been active since 1987 until today." The organisation is based on the Nazi "leader principle" ("Fuehrerprinzip").

In the indictment, consisting of 9 pages, Haralambos Vourliotis ordered the investigation of other people, too, as well as of the commitment of other crimes, such as money laundering and racketeering, since there are signs of suspicious funding of members of Golden Dawn, as well as cooperation of party members with representatives of the underworld.

Yesterday, Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias promised that the investigation "will continue in all directions and will be completed."

"The rule of law is not exposed and unable to defend itself from the vulgar threat of irrational violence", commented Dendias.

Tags: Golden Dawn detained police action charges Christos Pappas
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