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Students tried to protest in front of the heavily guarded Prime Minister's house

22 September 2011 / 14:09:51  GRReporter
2666 reads

About 300 students, pensioners and workers hold a protest outside the home of Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou in the Athens suburb of Kastri, reports blog According to the brief article police have blocked the street Evangelistrias in order to prevent people from approaching the building. Expected to arrive are also reinforcements from the special forces. 

The blog states that Evangelistrias Street is located just two blocks away from the home of the Prime Minister. According to the sources more and more indignant citizens are pouring in the region and most likely the situation will become uncontrollable. 

The day did not start in the best way for government spokesman Ilias Mosialos as well, after two parliament members from the ruling PASOK party made verbal attacks against him in the canteen of the parliament. Parliament members Soula Merenditi and Yannis Diamandidis turned against Ilias Mosialos regarding a statement he made for a private Greek television that he was elected in 2009 and therefore is "clean" and that he has renounced all parliamentary privileges. 

The government spokesman said that the reaction of his colleagues is based on a misinterpretation of his statement. However, the case became subject of much discussion among government parliament members, some of whom expressed the opinion that the secretary of the PASOK parliamentary group should take a position. 

A little later speaker of parliament Filippos Petsalnikos appeared in the canteen after having a meeting with the parliament members. In an apparent attempt to dispel the tension he answered journalist's questions about the content of the talks in an joking manner: "I represent the people, I get informed, I sit and discuss with the parliament members." 

Tags: Greece. protests George Papandreou new measures economy
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