With great difficulty departed the ships yesterday due to strike of the trade unionists from the confederations PEMEN and STEFENSON, which was declared to be illegal by the court in Piraeus. More specific out of 21 lines that connect Piraeus with the islands of Greece, five were not served. For the islands of the Argosaronic Gulf 59 routes managed to be carried out, and the evening ships sailed with long delays. For example, the passenger ships which had to sail to Crete left at least one hour late. Because the strike yesterday a great number of passengers failed to board the ships on time, some of which departed 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time.
Yesterday morning there were conflicts between the union members of the Communist Party, who tried to enter the dock of the port in a moment, when on the ships headed for the Cycladic Islands embarked the passengers ready to leave. Port officials immediately gave orders to the ships to sail due to fears that members of the communist trade union might stand on the platforms for the entry of passengers and cars in the ships and to prevent their departure. Because of the turmoil that was created around 100-150 passengers were left at quay No. 7 since they failed to reach the ships and missed them.
Meanwhile, the union members stood on the entry platforms of the ships which were leaving for the Argosaronic Gulf and as a result only two of them were able to travel, and the rest of the routs were canceled. Later some of the strikers went to the demonstration on Syntagma Square, while others remained at the port and tried to prevent some of the ships to sail, but sailors closed the platforms for entry and did not allow strikers to climb on them and prevent the departure of the ferries .
Ultimately, shipping companies decided to cancel departures of vessels during the day and let ferries to sail at 20:30 in the evening when the strike ended, so that there are no more collisions. In the countrywide strikes and demonstrations organized by trade unions GSEE and ADEDY did not take part the members of the Hellenic Marine Federation.