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Terrorists take revenge for "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei" with a bomb

15 March 2013 / 17:03:58  GRReporter
3292 reads

With a manifesto published on the Indymedia website, which is known for its connections with anarchist circles, the organization "Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front - Intact Revolutionary Cell" assumes responsibility for placing a bomb in the office of a courier service a few days ago.

The authors of the text state that the attack was an act of revenge because a female employee of the courier service had opened one of the parcels that the members of the "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei" group sent to embassies of various countries in Athens and abroad. On 1 November 2010, the employee had opened a parcel addressed to the Embassy of Mexico and then alerted the police.

Some minutes later, the two men, who had taken the parcel to the office of the courier service in Pankrati neighbourhood, were arrested. Then followed the arrests of other members of the group and the trial against them continues.

"Due to her petty bourgeoisie and police curiosity, she opened the parcel, which our comrades had delivered to be sent to the embassy of Mexico. Because of her curiosity, she was injured. Then, like a real informer, she called the cops, giving them an accurate description of the sender of the parcel and the direction in which he had left. Dozens of cops were mobilized because of her denunciation and cut off the area, surrounded our comrades and arrested them." The manifesto also states that the particular female employee "is on the black list of the new anarchist guerrilla struggle in the city."

The group makes threats against the witnesses in the case against the members of "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei" too.

"Our dignity does not allow us to forget the informers. Let the particular individual understand that this is just a message. A message sent to all witnesses in the trial against "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei", who will raise their finger and "identify the culprits". Let them not forget that traitors wore hoods in the past but we now know their names and addresses."

"Let's be clear ... All informers, cops, judges and jailors who have harmed or humiliated our comrades should know that we will not forget them no matter how long it will take. One night, they will receive our unexpected visit with bullets, bombs, iron boxes ... "

"Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei" is the new Lernaean Hydra of the new anarchist-nihilistic trend. Regardless of the number of nuclei that will be lost in the fight, new nuclei will always emerge to strengthen the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) - International Revolutionary Front (IRF) and to continue the joy of attack and destruction with even greater zeal."

In conclusion, the authors of the manifesto state that they dedicate the attack in the office of the courier service to the "brothers" from Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei"... With robberies, arsons, killings, bombings and attacks against the fascists and cops, you will always find us ahead of you" is their message to society.

Tags: Crime newsExplosionCourier serviceConspiracy of Fire Nuclei
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