The increase in applications to participate in reality shows is between 20% and 100% as the culinary show Something’s cooking with a total of 18,000 applications is most wanted. Thousands of people are flocking to the television studios to gain their place and to participate in any of the upcoming reality shows reveals Vima Newspaper. Some of them dream of the prize, others are hoping to open a door and make a career in television, others think that they will solve their problems, while there are those who go for their few minutes of fame as Andy Warhol said.
Whatever the reason, the fact is that the number of participations in the castings multiplied and broke the records to date. And the queues before the producer's studios are huge. Most people wish to participate in shows that were already released during the last season. “Taboos that were folding the television no longer exist,” said representatives of television channels. “The shows of this type are not mythologized any more and no more labels as a social stigma are put on everyone who was involved in reality as before.”
Young people are more inclined to respond to the promises for awards of thousands of euros, a brilliant career and popularity that the television gives given the economic crisis and rising unemployment.
The girls that want to become models and participate in the international format reality show Νext top model (ΑΝΤ1), which made a very successful launch last year, increased by 30%. The team of Βig Βrother, which will be broadcasted on Αlpha, received a great number of applications for participation - 6500. Despite the fact that the players will have to be isolated for a long time in a house and will be constantly monitored by cameras and that most participants in the previous shows have disappeared from the TV horizon as soon as the game ended, the candidates are not discouraged. The great amount for the winner tempts them. It is interesting that the applicants in the past were from the more popular strata of society while now the applicants are mixed and come from all social strata and there is a tendency the number of well-educated and earning people to increase.
The culinary show Something’s cooking broke all records with 18,000 applications. There are five participants every week and every day one of them is cooking for the remaining four at his or her home. Then the other four assess whether they are satisfied. Other culinary programs also gathered quite many applicants - 4500 people will fight for the title Μaster Chef in a new self-titled reality on Μega. 5000 owners of restaurants will expect Hector Bodrini’s help and advice on what they should do to improve their business, to make it successful. All this is part of the reality show A Nightmare in the Kitchen, which will be broadcasted also by Αlpha!
Other 4100 owners of apartments will try to repair their homes in the Home Makeover show on Αlpha and 2000 are the applicants for its competitive program on ΑΝΤ1.