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Three victims of fires in Piraeus, Aspropyrgos and Komotini

06 December 2013 / 11:12:22  GRReporter
2001 reads

Three people died in three separate fires in a hotel in Piraeus, a private house in Aspropyrgos and a warehouse of the recruitment agency in Komotini.
    A man, aged 62, died in the fire that broke out in a room on the roof of a hotel in Piraeus, near Kastella. The cause of the fire that had broken out at around 4.30 am is under investigation. Its extinguishment involved three fire engines and nine firefighters.
    A woman, aged 86, died in a fire in a private house on "Agiou Dimitriou" street in the Athens suburb of Aspropyrgos. She lived alone in a small house of area 25 square metres. Neighbours and people working nearby called the firefighters when they saw the flames. The body of the woman was found this morning by the fire service which had sent to the scene of the fire two cars and eight firefighters.
    A fire tragedy happened in Komotini, northern Greece too, where a man, aged 54, died in a fire in a warehouse of the recruitment agency. The flames had broken out in the pumping station of the warehouse at around 5:00 am. The victim, who was an employee of the agency, was found dead outside the pumping station. The regional examining magistrate and the police station in the city are investigating the cause of his death.
    Fires in enclosed spaces have become more frequent in recent days. Over the weekend, a girl, aged 13, tragically died in Thessaloniki and two days ago, a grandmother and her grandson were miraculously saved from the flames burning in their home.

Tags: FiresVictimsFirefightersHotel in PiraeusAspropyrgosWarehouse in KomotiniCrime news
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