Picture: www.tovima.gr
A preliminary version of a statement by the European Commission includes a proposal for the repeal of compulsory military service. The statement was published on Thursday, dated 27 November - a day after Eurogroup's meeting. On page 24, it is noted that during the period 2000-2009, Greece had consistently the highest defence spending of all member states of the European Union as a percentage of GDP. Further on, it is noted that the memorandum was effective in reducing these costs. The statement presents a plan for the reduction of functional costs by 62% and cuts of salaries and pensions in the armed forces by 41% during the period 2009-2016. The paragraph ends with the phrase "This does not mean that a further rationalisation of costs cannot be achieved, but it will require expanding the use of e-procurement and abolition of compulsory military service."
Sources from the Ministry of Defence, however, told "To Vima" newspaper that the question of the abolition of military service is not on the agenda. According to the paper, this proposal irritated the political and military leadership of the Ministry. This is not the first time that the Troika has tried to interfere in military matters. It is reminded that in previous contacts of the Troika with the Greek government, the question for the drastic reduction of the Greek armed forces was directly raised by representatives of the creditors on the grounds that their costs in Greece are the highest compared to all other EU countries. Specifically, there was a request for the reduction of the ruling top of the armed forces and the closure of certain barracks, as well as a demand that the recruitment of professional private soldiers be significantly reduced.
About a year ago, the military leadership proposed a three month increase of the period of service, but this proposal was frozen by the current government. The same Defence Ministry sources also drew attention to other illogical, according to them, demands by the Troika having a direct connection with the defence of the country, as for example the evacuation of islands with few inhabitants in order to reduce coast guard costs.