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live Two Bulgarian women killed in a crash near Veria

13 February 2013 / 13:02:46  GRReporter
3497 reads

Victoria Mindova

Two Bulgarian women aged 21 and 16 years died in a car accident on the highway connecting Thessaloniki with the city of Veria. The driver of the car with the two girls was a 20-year-old Bulgarian man. He lost control of his car and crashed into a power pole on Tuesday evening. The victims are an aunt and her niece, and the driver of the car is their relative. The 20-year-old man is in good condition. The police had detained him while investigating the causes of the accident and then released him by decision of the regional prosecutor as representatives of the law enforcement forces from the Alexandria-Imathia regional police department stated for GRReporter exclusively.

As regards the causes of the fatal crash, the head of the regional police department in Imathia Nikolaos Bandouvakis said, "So far, the only thing we know is that the driver of the car was going very fast bearing in mind that he was in a built-up area." The road was dry and no alcohol has been detected in the blood of the young man. What comes next is the initiation of legal proceedings the date of which has not yet been announced.

Tags: Crime newsCar accidentVictimsBulgarian womenGreece
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