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Two of the perpetrators of the robbery in Kozani are members of the terrorist group "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei"

02 February 2013 / 14:02:19  GRReporter
3404 reads

Two of the participants in the double bank robbery in Velvento, in the Prefecture of Kozani, have been sought as members of the terrorist organisation "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei". Three of the offenders were found in Kozani, and the fourth one - in Ptolemaida. The anti-terrorist Greek forces have been taking part in the investigation from the very beginning, since the robbers used Kalashnikovs. Those arrested are also being investigated because of the possibility of them having been involved in other crimes in Attica as well, such as the explosion in The Mall, for example.

The perpetrators split into two groups and entered the Agricultural Bank and TT Hellenic Postbank's branches around 10 a.m. According to eyewitnesses, these were about ten people who struck almost simultaneously. The criminals used two cars to carry out the robberies. First, they went to the TT Hellenic Postbank and then their accomplices of the second group raided the branch of the Agricultural Bank, which is located about 100 metres away. In the bank, the robbers broke the windows and then rendered powerless the customers and employees inside and threatened them with guns. They told them that the only thing they wanted is the money and that they would not hurt them. According to initial information, they stole 200,000 euro from the Agricultural Bank and 5,000 euro from the TT Hellenic Postbank. They managed to escape by car to Metohi, and, in Kastania, they stopped a dentist, stole his jeep and escaped.

They acted in a manner reminiscent of the actions of organised groups and precisely this element had made the police suspect a robbery with a hint of terrorism from the very beginning. The anti-terrorist forces, together with security services, are trying to capture the other participants in the robbery. Two of the perpetrators who were arrested are students in Kozani and members of anarchist circles.

One of the robbers was arrested near a mine of the State Electricity Company in Ptolemaida, where he stopped to set the car on fire in order to hide his tracks, according to the information. The other three accomplices were arrested in the centre of Veria, in a van, in which weapons were also discovered. All four detainees are Greeks. Upon their arrest, heavy weapons were also discovered that were sent to forensic laboratories of the Greek police in order to check whether these had been used in other crimes. By the afternoon, those arrested, who were brought to the Anti-terrorism department in Thessaloniki, refused to talk to the investigating police officers. The search for the rest of the criminals who are involved in the robberies is still continuing.

Tags: Robbery bank Kozani anti-terrorist forces Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei
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