A supermarket in the Olympic village in Trakomakedones, near Athens, was robbed by a group of three armed men. Two of the criminals headed towards one of the storage areas, expecting to find a money-safe. When they couldn’t find the safe, they returned to the store and took the money from the check-out counters, threatening the cashiers with guns. According to eyewitnesses, a customer of Pakistan descent was slightly injured after attacking one of the assailants who was threatening a cashier with a gun. The other robber hit him on the head with the handle of his gun. Another Pakistan man rushed to help his friend at which point the third robber, standing outside of the store, noticed the fight and began shooting at the glass doors with his Kalashnikov. The criminals took advantage of the fuss that arose, took an unknown amount of money out of the cashiers’ desks and left on two motorbikes on Kimis Avenue.
Another armed robbery took place in the Athenian neighborhood Galatsi when two armed men ambushed the security guards of the Greek National Bank. They attacked the guards while they were transferring the armored money box from the security car to the branch of the bank on 61 Papaflesa Street which was its final destination. The criminals were riding a powerful motorbike and one of them had a gun. He hit one of the guards with the gun-handle, as in the case in the Olympic village, took the money box and got on the bike which took off jin an unknown direction.