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Varoufakis again impresses with his style

12 February 2015 / 18:02:42  GRReporter
4830 reads

Yanis Varoufakis got out of the car outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels and flashlights began flashing. The discussion at the meeting of the finance ministers of euro zone member states might have been unproductive but the appearance of their Greek colleague had again become the subject of positive and negative comments, reads the Greek online edition

Varoufakis appeared for his pilot participation in the Eurogroup dressed in a black suit, which he again combined with a blue shirt with white motifs. As always, it was unbuttoned, full of wrinkles, and once again hanging out of his trousers.

What drew the media interest this time was that always-unconventional Varoufakis, at least in terms of his style, was not wearing a tie, as is customary at such meetings, but adorned his neck with a cashmere scarf by Burberry fashion house.

Immediately after he appeared before the cameras, the keyboards of media correspondents from around the world began to rattle at lightning speed.

In any case, the photos of the meeting show that the strong players in the Eurogroup, namely its President Jeroen Dijsselbloem and German Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schaeuble were not happy at the sight of the Greek Minister. In contrast, director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde seemed to be fairly, or even quite, fascinated by him.

This open freestyle had provoked the author of the publication and social networks users to ask two questions. Firstly, was the scarf original or was it a replica? If the answer is that the scarf is original, then the second question arises. And it is how the "modest lifestyle" that Varoufakis urges Greeks to lead "ties in" with the scarf worth 395 euro, or even 197.5 euro, if bought during the ongoing seasonal discounts.

So far, there has been no information as to whether the clothes worn by the Greek Minister of Finance had been carefully selected or if he had had to put them on because of an accident.

This was how his wife Danae Stratou explained his appearance in a huge leather jacket at the meeting with British Minister of Finance George Osborne, which the British daily The Guardian defined as "gangster". A day after all global media published photos of Osborne, wearing a suit and Varoufakis, smiling next to him, dressed in a blue shirt and jacket, his wife wrote on Twitter that he had had to wear them because he had lost his suitcase at the airport.



Tags: PoliticsEurogroupMeetingYanis VaroufakisStyleClothesJeroen DijsselbloemChristine Lagarde
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