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Venus and the Moon define our intimate and sexual life

08 January 2011 / 19:01:23  GRReporter
34170 reads

    The first type - the man who wants to penetrate in the other. These are the Moon and Venus in the signs Aries and Libra. And also an aspect of Mars to these two planets.
    Man studies the other, examines him, seeks to penetrate. So as to understand to what extent there is something stable in this other person, something strong, which can offset the inner weakness. With this type of people there is some innate inner turmoil - inborn congenital weakness or strength, bearing this instability. He does not need another person who bears similar to his strength or weakness. He has a need to associate the strong with the weak and vice versa. The process of this study is very fine and subtle. Do not try to lie to this person that you are strong or weak in something. He is extremely insightful and captures things in depth and he even often do not know how he does that. And only once he has done his study, only then he is able to accept the other intimately. Of course in this process there is a lot of rejection. Which has its own explanation - "I didn’t find anything solid, on which my instability can count".
    The sexual behavior of this type of people is to pursue hard, of the type hunter. Or to make others to pursue them and take the role of a deer. Of course talking about pursue I do not mean it literally. They dig for facts about the other, monitor him continuously. Or create prerequisites for the other to pursue them in order to study him.

    The second type - the man who wants something very special. Astrologically it refers to the Moon and Venus in the signs Taurus and Scorpio. It refers also to the aspects of Venus to the Moon and of Pluto to the two planets.
    These are people who are most difficult to relate intimately. Because intimacy with them when they allow it, is in every cell of their body. These are the people who we feel that if they allow us in their lives, they will do so with their whole being, absolutely. If they love us, this will be the deepest possible love. Like in the movies. But this ability to literally merge with the other person is not for anyone who would ask for it. This type of people rarely hurry, they rarely worry that they are alone without a partner. Throughout most of their life they build walls around themselves by which to keep everyone away. And they wait – they wait for their special partner who will be able to come into their heart will be able to pass through these walls, even to do so by breaking an entry. Of course not, I do not mean that they will not have partners until they find the special one. On the contrary, they will try here and there, but with the attitude - "Well, let’s try it, but I doubt that something will come out of it".
    They have very a fine and delicate position, like Achilles' heel. And that is exactly where they must be touched to accept the other. And this is a difficult task.
    Sexual behavior of this type of people while waiting for their special partner is unobtrusive. They take a position of neutrality: "Yes, I'm with you, because you want it." But at the moment when appears whomsoever they will accept fully and becomethey unstoppable and no trace is left of their neutral behavior. They can live for years as pure consumers of love and intimacy, without being able to respond with anything just because the other person has not been accepted. But there is also the opposite option - to find the man to accept fully. And whether they will be with him or not, he remains forever in their hearts and nothing can replace him.

    The third type - the man who is looking for diversity. It refers to Venus and Moon in the signs Gemini - Sagittarius. It also includes the aspects of Mercury and Jupiter to the two planets.
    For this type of people is typical the innate openness to all things exotic and very much different from themselves. Different to the extent of infinity. This is the man who will choose a woman with a visible defect on the background of all the other beautiful and smart women who revolve around him. Or the beauty will choose the beast. For a man to wonder why.
    These people usually make many "mistakes" such as "I do not know what got into me, but I found myself in bed with the one with whom we do not even speak the same mother tongue". I wrote mistakes in quotation marks. Because this type of people make these mistakes in order to diversify the gene pool of the family of the city, even of the country if you prefer. For the genes such mistakes are an opportunity to open a bottle of champagne. Naturally, such an intimate relationship created between people who are very different, can hardly be stable. And often people suffer that things do not go well into partnership. With this type most frequently we observe separation between the partners.
    Sexual behavior is one of extremes and the desire to try again and again sometimes reminds of promiscuity, that they are not able to choose their partners. And when they realize that once again they have chosen something wrong, they go looking for something even more different. Another option is to approach and get away from their partner, not to be able to maintain a constant relationship with him. Here is the most common variation - "Today I love you, tomorrow I will hate you, but in the day after tomorrow I will love you again."

Tags: sex intimate life Venus Moon horoscope Astro school Gali
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