The subject of loyalty and devotion between partners in an intimate relationship and marriage is as old as the world itself and it is still up to date. Even today in the age of the supposedly free relations. Free, free ... how free can they be?! Until they become serious.
Why are there people who manage to be happy throughout their life with one partner, while others are in constant search for love and happiness and still they do not find them? Why are there people who manage to remain faithful and loyal to their partner and others don’t?
Before I go into astrology, I will focus on some of the natural features of people. Because without this knowledge it is quite impossible to distinguish any astrological factors in the individual horoscope, which indicate whether a person would be faithful to his partner.
In the basis of any partnership the genetic factor has a primary role. It is precisely this, the genetic imperative, that compels us in a very elegant way to bind intimately. Because the meaning, the root cause behind each intimate relation is the extension of the family - not only our family, but of the humanity in general. Even if this commitment is only in the form of safe sex, it is still driven at the genetic level. Of course, now many people would raise their voices that in the partnership there are more important things than just sex and reproduction. I do not at all deny that. But think about this now what is the first thing you would do if you find yourself in front of a grizzly bear? You would hardly think of world peace and protection of wildlife. The first thing automatically and instinctively, would be - "How to survive?". This is our genetic imperative that on a global scale is very careful to survive by driving us to procreate, to reproduce, to create a family and maintain the human race.
So ... She and He meet and their genes whisper - "It’s time". Relations intensify and become serious. While the genetic factor plays its game, everyone is ready to compromise and accepts the other person without hesitation. This is that wonderful time of love and romance. And what we forget is that a person does not enter into relationships with their genetic material only. He carries many things more which we "discover", after the genes are done with their game. And we have to accept him not only with his marriage robe, but with his entire wardrobe.
In this line of thought we get to the conclusion that when the genes have achieved their goals – they have connected into a relationship two people for the continuation of the offspring - come out factors such as love, support, security which are a prerequisite for being happy and satisfied with our partner and not looking for others. Now do not make immediately the connection with love, happiness and support in the common sense. Very often what we need, has nothing to do with what we think we want.
In our relationship there are two components - skills to maintain them and their outcome. My astrological experience to date has shown that the main importance always have our genes. If a person does not attract us genetically, we simply will not deal with him. No matter how good compatibility we have as partners. We will meet, we will learn our names and basic life requisites and we’ll stop there – we’ll be just acquaintances. This is true even for our friendships. No matter how strange it is the deep and lasting friendships between people of the same sex again set foot on the genetic attraction.
In the individual horoscope for each of us lies a specific model, following which we enter into relationships, we accept the others and respectively we devote to him. These are our skills and ways to maintain intimate relationships and marriage. This model also includes the genetic factor, because our genes have an impact not only on our physics, but on our character and respectively on our lives.
There are people with "poor" skills when it comes to the relationship with their partner. There are people with "good" skills. I put the words poor and good in quotes, because good skills do not always lead to successful relationships. And vice versa. Our individual model may indicate "poor" ability to maintain relationships and this may leads us to relationships in which hostility, coldness, conflicts and contradictions occur frequently, but the relationship to be successful and durable over time.
When someone crosses our way who fits into our model of relationship, whatever it is, we are deeply attracted to him. If in the horoscope we have indicators of difficult relationships, it does not automatically mean unsuccessful relationships. And difficult relationsips do not necessarily involve infidelity on somebody’s part, divorce, separation, because although difficult they may be deeply satisfying in the end. I know it sounds absurd. But it is a known fact that when in a marriage for years, everything goes as well as honey and butter, there is no tension and no conflicts, it often appears that the number is greater than two - probably three or four, not counting the children. While in more difficult marriages, which are accompanied by tension and disputes, there often is a deep affection for the other, hidden charm and mutual need for the other person.