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Archive - Jun 2009

June 9th

Nine months military service starting this August

09 June 2009 / 14:06:50  
By the end of the 2009 summer, men in Greece will serve their military obligations for nine months, which is significantly better compared to the current twelve-month period.

What should we know when purchasing ACs and fans?

09 June 2009 / 12:06:08  
The program of the Greek Development Ministry regarding the exchange of old AC’s takes effect from tomorrow.

June 8th

PASOK 4% ahead of New Democracy

08 June 2009 / 17:06:09  
The elections for European parliament in greece ended with a record number of low activity - 48%. There were no surprises in the election results.

TV harms young children

08 June 2009 / 16:06:37  
A research done by the Greek pediatrician Dimitris Christakis claims that the turned on TV slows down the language development of children by reducing the number of words they can hear and pronounce.

Greece in immediate danger of bankruptcy

08 June 2009 / 14:06:24  
Only 10 Greek companies have found their way into the Financial Times 500 largest European corporations

"Political parties need to commit to the cleaning ladies problem"

08 June 2009 / 10:06:12  
The Union of the cleaners and house maids in Greece sent a letter to all political parties, with which they request an immediate meeting with their representatives, in order to be able to protest against the injust work conditions in the sector. Konstantina Kouneva was an active member of the cleaners syndicate and was working in the Athenian metro before she was splashed with vitriol in December.

June 7th

The “Beach party” wins the elections in Cyprus

07 June 2009 / 15:06:53  
Extremely low voting activity on the Mediterranean island, 41% refuse to vote, the conservatives from DISI win with insignificant priority.