In its report, the European Commission will ask Greece to take measures for decreasing the deficit during 2009. The report will also include recommendations regarding the stabilizing program.
In a lecture in front of the "Konstantinos Karamanlis" Institute, the Greek foreign minister explained her priorities on the Balkans, in the EU, around the world, and in the energetic field.
More than 30 000 treasures of the Greek Church can be found in the digital map, in which presented are rare capies of books, manuscripts, icons, as well as the road, which leads to the monasteries, where all those can be seen.
The most corrupt people are the doctors in the hospitals, the tax-agents, and the clerks in the town-planning according to data announced today by the Association “Transparency without borders” in Athens.
Four masked men shot 14 times and threw a bomb at the private TV channel during the busiest for journalists hour, thankfully there were no victims. ALTER is the TV station, which some time back shot a hidden camera report about the Bulgarian mafia in Sandanski.
32 year old Theo Theodoridis, who is an idol for the growing generation in our Southern neighbor, was delivered late last night to the Greek police. He will give a statement in front of the prosecutor today.