"Konstantina, you are not alone!" was the main slogan of the procession, which was done tonight in support of the Bulgarian Konstantina Kouneva. Marina Nikolova tried to grasp the spirit of the event in few words.
The Greek syndicates are organizing a demonstration in the center of Athens at 06:00pm today. They are protesting against the ancient labor conditions of the cleaning firms and are insisting that the government should interfere.
The farmers are relentless, they want more money and threaten to remain on the roads. They even got to the departure runway at the international airport in Iraklio, Crete "Nikos Kazandzakis."
Eurobarometer reports show that Greeks and Portuguese are among the biggest pessimists in Europe. Bulgarians are among the biggest optimists regarding the economic development of the Union and their country.
Mount Olympus won over 261 nature phenomena from all over the world. It reached second phase of the competition for one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Pericles Panagopoulos is in good health and does not need to be hospitalized. The abductors took a 30 million Euros ransom and disappeared. The police are optimistic they will find them.
Tractors will block 8 different roads throughout whole Greece. Crete is divided into two. Farmers from Seres and Promahon will join the farmer strike any moment now.