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Archive - Jul 29, 2010

State-Owned Enterprises for Public Transport Merge

29 July 2010 / 16:07:50  
With the autumn coming and following the recommendation of the supervisory triad, the government plans to merge state-owned companies of the city train (ISAP), metro (AMEL) and trams management company in the capital in one. The result will be a maximum cost optimization in public transport companies, which recorded a deficit 2.5 billion Euros.

Ambitious Program to Invest € 45 billion and Open 210 000 Jobs

29 July 2010 / 12:07:35  
Development program particularly in the field of green energy presented the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Tina Birbili.

Civil Mobilization, Riots and Tear Gas for the Transport Strike

29 July 2010 / 11:07:40  
Civil mobilization of public truck and tank drivers after the inefficient negotiations between the strikers and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure held yesterday. Angry drivers from Larissa, Trikala, Thebes, Evia, Thessaloniki, Yanena and many other country towns arrived to protest against the new measure.

Grants Offered for Students and Teachers of Modern Greek in Athens and in Lesvos Island

29 July 2010 / 09:07:38  
All seminars are accredited by the European Commission as Quality Courses

New Law Cancels the Debts of Poor Greeks

29 July 2010 / 08:07:39  
The time has come, when people with excessive debts to banks and other financial institutions will be able to declare bankruptcy of taxable households under the new law of the Ministry of Economy and Development.