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Archive - Sep 3, 2011

The unknown Hemingway at an exhibition in Athens

03 September 2011 / 17:09:37  
Greek-American Association organizes on September 19th to October 18th an exhibition - dedication of the Nobel laureate, American writer, who passed away 50 years ago.

A toxic bomb in Aspropyrgos

03 September 2011 / 16:09:51  
Dozens of barrels containing extremely toxic substances remain "forgotten" in the coastal area of the city

The planets and Steve Jobs advise: Follow your heart and intuition!

03 September 2011 / 15:09:20  
They somehow know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary

The academic year will start with DVDs and photocopies

03 September 2011 / 13:09:33  
Only in November there will be textbooks in the schools