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Archive - Dec 16, 2013

Perhaps there will be no NATO operation in Syria

16 December 2013 / 23:12:00  
Those European countries that supported the Syrian opposition at the beginning of the conflict have withdrawn their support as they have established that the majority of the weapons sent by them have fallen into the hands of the extremists.

Terrorists had set fire to Costas Simitis’ villa

16 December 2013 / 17:12:40  
The authorities consider the fire that had broken out in former Prime Minister Costas Simitis’ villa a very serious case as, on the one hand, it shows the capabilities of the urban "guerrilla warfare" in Greece and reveals the weak points of the security system of the country on the other.

Fireplaces have caused smog in Athens

16 December 2013 / 14:12:13  
In many regions of Athens the concentration reached 100 micrograms of flying particles per cubic metre of air, their normal value being below 50 micrograms.

Every serious researcher is aware of the origin of Cyril and Methodius

16 December 2013 / 13:12:01  
The knowledge related to the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius is constantly developing, the Cyrillic alphabet was adapted on the basis of the Greek uncial script, which was well known in the Bulgarian lands at that time, as recalled by the director of the Slavo-Byzantine Research Centre, Vasya Velinova, at a time when we celebrate the 1150th anniversary of the Great Moravia Mission of the two Slavic apostles.