The Greek communists have sold to an offshore company their television frequency granted by the state, giving as a reason for their decision the financial difficulties caused by the crisis.
"There is no reason to revise the Greek programme", states the Ministry of Finance of Germany thus "responding" to a document of the Bundesbank, providing for the granting of another bailout to Greece by the end of 2014 at the latest.
The shares have been sold for 652 million euro, 622 million of which will be paid in cash and the remaining 30 million euro will be paid in instalments within 10 years.
The financial police officers are investigating tax employees with large deposits and expensive properties which they could not obtain with the income from their salaries.
The European programme Culture "World Crisis Theatre" and Pandio University are organising a three-day festival with performances dedicated to the crisis
A law on changes in secondary schools will be voted by the end of August; the new rules will come into force as of September and apply as of the academic year 2013-2014