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Archive - 2013

May 29th

Tourism in Bulgaria and Greece

29 May 2013 / 16:05:22  
Comparison of the tourism industry in Bulgaria and Greece

The government restricts the scanty protests that hold Athens in captivity

29 May 2013 / 15:05:44  
The Ministry of Public Order is preparing a decree that would restrict the processions with low participation. Left parties react strongly to the possibility of introducing the measure.

Integration of immigrants is a guarantee for security

28 May 2013 / 21:05:02  
When we know each other we trust each other. The success of the "Activities in the neighbourhoods" programme in Athens and Thessaloniki shows the way in which we need to continue as stated by the organizers from the municipality in Athens.

May 28th

HIV is spreading most rapidly among drug addicts in Greece

28 May 2013 / 19:05:21  
As shown by the annual report of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). The number of people infected with Hepatitis C has also significantly increased and the disease too mainly affects people who use hard drugs.

The Greek state is investigating the sale of Skorpios

28 May 2013 / 19:05:53  
At the same time, the residents of Lefkada met the new owners of the island of Aristotle Onassis with enthusiasm and hope.

Tax pains 2013

28 May 2013 / 17:05:56  
A large number of GRReporter's readers have expressed their concern about how they will fill in the tax returns that are to be submitted only online. Specialist Antonis Mouzakis explains the possible obstacles that you may encounter when declaring your income and submitting your tax return.

live The Supreme Court of Greece will consider Yanko Stoimenov’s appeal

28 May 2013 / 13:05:30  
The senior magistrates will decide within two months whether to confirm or to return the verdict of the Court of Appeal, which sentenced the Bulgarian pilot to 10 years in prison and a fine of 70,000 euro.