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Archive - 2013

May 22nd

The crisis has ‘castrated’ the Greeks

22 May 2013 / 18:05:26  
Sexual activity in Greece has decreased by 34% compared to the period before the crisis and violence against women (physical, sexual and verbal) has increased by 47% as shown by the data of the Society for the Study of Human Sexuality, which was established in 1998.

Ban on politicians carrying guns in parliament

22 May 2013 / 14:05:58  
The high spirits in the National Assembly and the increasingly frequent harsh verbal clashes between Golden Dawn and other members of parliament are causing concern. Chekhov's dramaturgy principle that, if there is a loaded gun (rifle) in the first act on stage it must shoot in the second act, is taken from real life.

The monument of Gotse Delchev in Serres vanishes into a procedural vacuum

21 May 2013 / 21:05:27  
A few days ago, the initiative of the municipality of Blagoevgrad to erect a monument of the Bulgarian hero at the place where he had died in 1903 was announced in Bulgaria. Being a Bulgarian media in Greece, we decided to check the status of the proceedings for the implementation of the overall project in the neighbouring country.

May 21st

Petition against Papandreou's participation in TEDGlobal 2013

21 May 2013 / 18:05:17  
The very idea that Papandreou can give advice on how troubled countries in Europe can successfully deal with high debt, high deficit, low productivity etc. has scandalized many Greeks, both in the country and abroad.

The U.S. Department of State determines that Golden Dawn is a xenophobic and anti-Semitic party

21 May 2013 / 14:05:46  
According to the observations of experts, the number of cases of attacks on foreign nationals mostly from Muslim countries as well as of anti-Semitic acts in the country has increased with the entry of Golden Dawn in parliament. There are recorded cases of vandalism in the Jewish cemeteries in Drama and Ioannina but the police are unable to identify the perpetrators despite persistent investigations.

Greek flowers in the world market

20 May 2013 / 23:05:51  
GRReporter has contacted Marios Vallianos who is not only the president of the federation of traders of flowers in Greece but also a president of the international competition for florists-designers over the last 15 years, to tell us about the business, art and love for flowers.

May 20th

The road of the money in the case of Tsochatzopoulos

20 May 2013 / 18:05:49  
New data on the way of 2.1 million euro were sent to the court in Athens in connection with the corruption scandal related to former Minister of Defence Akis Tsochatzopoulos.