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Archive - 2013

April 27th

In a battle for the next tranche

27 April 2013 / 13:04:19  
The express bill includes provisions for redundancies in the public sector, anti-corruption, and the special property tax. According to the opposition, it buries the economy’s development and cuts wages and pensions further.

Crisis hits women harder

26 April 2013 / 21:04:12  
Independent UN expert Cephas Lumina presented his preliminary observations about the consequences of the crisis in Greek society. The final report is expected in March 2014.

April 26th

How to choose the products for the Easter table

26 April 2013 / 15:04:52  
Tips to avoid food poisoning during the most important Christian holiday.

April 25th

Never on Sunday

25 April 2013 / 20:04:45  
"It is time that shops started working on Sundays in order to strengthen the local economy," said the Union of tourism enterprises. Representatives of trade and craft unions are continuing to strongly oppose this proposal. The subject remains open.

Life in big urban centres damages health

25 April 2013 / 18:04:03  
Respiratory and heart problems, allergies, stress, noise and light pollution, as well as a dramatic lack of time for exercise are just a few of the elements of the unhealthy lifestyle in the big city.

Alpha bank’s recapitalisation is going well

25 April 2013 / 16:04:56  
It seems that the financial institution will be able not only to cover its required 10% of private investment in the process of capital increase, but it may also reach 12%

Prices of basic consumer goods in Bulgaria and Greece

25 April 2013 / 08:04:53  
A ccomparison of consumer baskets in Bulgaria and Greece. How much do people spend there and on what?