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Archive - 2013

October 26th

The Microsoft - Nokia marriage threatens Apple

25 October 2013 / 22:10:08  
Roles in business often change - big companies shrink and small ones grow. Find out the new offers of the two major American technology companies in the light of their past.

October 25th

Alexis Tsipras pays 6,600 euro a year for his son’s kindergarten

25 October 2013 / 19:10:22  
How convincing could SYRIZA’s position against the establishment of private universities in Greece sound, when he himself has preferred this very expensive and private kindergarten for his son?

The Greek police break up an international network for cocaine trafficking

25 October 2013 / 17:10:04  
The captured persons have been charged with establishment of, and involvement in, a criminal group, legalization of proceeds from criminal activities and with import, trade and trafficking of drugs to the degree of felony.

No crisis has ever been able to destroy arts

25 October 2013 / 12:10:07  
Great Greek writer Rhea Galanaki talks with Zdravka Mihaylova about the roots of the human drama, dual identity and return, about Cretan myths indelibly carved on the hard drive of her memory

A Greek family paid a Roma woman 4,000 euro for a baby

25 October 2013 / 11:10:25  
A man, aged 53, and a woman, aged 48, from the Athens district of Ano Liosia have been detained, and will face the prosecutor. The investigation to identify and apprehend the baby’s biological mother and dealers is underway.

Wanted recidivist charged with another attempted murder

24 October 2013 / 21:10:33  
The police have made public photos of him before the attack on the patrol. The authorities believe that he has undergone plastic surgery and has grafted hair to avoid being recognized.

October 24th

Another increase in the property tax

24 October 2013 / 20:10:31  
The new bill of the Ministry of Finance, which has been submitted for public consultation, provides for taxation of all property, including pools and underground parking lots in blocks of flats.