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Archive - 2013

October 27th

Disputes with the Greek government postponed the supervision of creditors by 10 days

27 October 2013 / 17:10:28  
Athens has two main lines of action - "no more measures" - at least at the moment, or small, but targeted, spending cuts in order to address the financial gap

Why should we eat more fish?

27 October 2013 / 14:10:18  
Nutritionists suggest eating fish twice a week, since it provides us with 500 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which the body needs daily.

Disputes about the military parade on 28 October in Thessaloniki

27 October 2013 / 13:10:18  
Thessaloniki Mayor Yiannis Boutaris expressed sharp disagreement with the invitation to MPs of Golden Dawn to attend the parade; PASOK and the Democratic Left party supported him. According to the regional governor, the invitation is mandatory according to the law

Greece wants war reparations from Germany, Italy and Bulgaria amounting to GDP for a period of 33 years

26 October 2013 / 22:10:41  
According to the report of Konstantinos Doksiadis, Greece is getting crumbs, because the allies prefer to satisfy claims of countries from their spheres of influence

October 26th

5 +1 ideas for a long weekend in the autumn

26 October 2013 / 15:10:35  
Lakes, mountains, sea, picturesque villages and beautiful scenery, combined with good weather are a good reason to get out of the city

Which will be the most wanted professions in Greece by 2020

26 October 2013 / 13:10:20  
Qualified workers in agriculture, fisheries, and services will have the most job opportunities; technicians from all specialties will be the most wanted in the EU

Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation funds the participation in the Future Libraries conference in Athens

26 October 2013 / 13:10:23  
The forum will be held on 9 December and 10 December at the Benaki Museum in Athens; the Foundation will cover all the costs of participation; all intellectuals from the Balkan countries are eligible to apply